Using a Security Trail Camera to Catch Vandals

police arrestTrail cameras for security come in many configurations with a variety of programming options. Most models are capable of taking both still photos and video. Many capture audio to accompany the video. Some stealth security cameras are capable of capturing photos in complete darkness with no visible flash.Trespassers, burglars, and vandals seem to be multiplying at an unbelievable rate.  Luckily, catching a criminal has never been easier with the help of trail cameras for security surveillance.

There are also license plate trail cameras specifically optimized to capture plate numbers of moving vehicles in low light.  However, some of the most popular units are trail cameras that send pictures to your phone. These security game cameras will also transmit an image via text or email and can be found under Cellular Security Cameras.

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If you have a trespasser problem, the easiest fix is to use No Flash Infrared Trail Cameras.

With a no glow security camera, the LED's in the infrared flash are completely invisible. Trespassers will be unaware of the camera's location or existence.

Also, never mount a game camera for security within easy line of sight if you know you have trespassers on your property.  Consider mounting the camera high on a tree or camouflage the camera in a way that it is not easily seen.

For thieves or vandals in a residential, urban or commercial environment; you will need to think outside the box. Mounting the camera from high on a roof, telephone pole or even something like a bird feeder will keep the camera from being readily spotted.

security trail camera mount


If you have a trespasser problem, there are two categories of trail cameras that excel in security surveillance.

Which of the trail cameras for security is best?  Well, that simply depends on your application. If you can easily reach the camera to change SD cards then having a basic no glow camera will do everything you need.

Wireless Security Cameras

If you want the camera to take a picture and immediately send that picture to your cell phone or email, then you need a cellular trail camera or cell phone camera.

What is the difference between a wireless vs. cellular camera? A wifi trail camera produces its own wireless network and/or works on wifi networks already available. Cellular cameras work on Verizon & AT&T cellular networks.

License Plate Trail Camera

There is really only one camera that can capture license plates at night, the Reconyx Hyperfire 2 License Plate Camera. All other infrared cameras will "white-out" the license plates at night (but they all take the pictures just fine during the day).

license plate camera

We can help with selecting and purchasing the correct model. Search all of our game cameras for sale.

For additional Security Cameras also be sure to see our Stealth Cam Reviews and Stealth Cams.

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By now, the hard work has already been completed.  You simply need to set your plans in motion.

After testing the camera at home, place the camera in your selected setup area.  Always make sure you have the time stamp option turned to "on."  This will let you know exactly when the criminal was there.

Photos from a trail camera can be used as evidence in a criminal investigation.

If you have additional questions about using a game camera for security, feel free to Contact Us.

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Security Trailcams in Action                              

 Reconyx XS8 Security Video (See Review) Reconyx Hyperfire 2 Security (See Review)


 This security video camera footage is no glow infrared and capable of high-resolution video - day or night. This can protect your business from thieves and vandals. Videos are stored on the SD card inside the camera. This Security Trail Camera is a great choice for one of the most durable trail cameras on the market.  You can program the operating hours on this camera so you won't receive unneeded photos.  


Compare the Top-Rated Security Cameras


Reconyx XS8

Reconyx Hyperfire 2 Security

Ridgetec Lookout 4G LTE

Browning Spec Ops Elite HP4

Primary Purpose

High Definition Video Camera

(Takes pictures & videos)

Regular camera you will have to pull the sd card from

(Takes pictures & videos)

Cellular Security Camera

(Takes pictures & Videos)

Picture/Video Security Camera

(Takes pictures & videos)

Price $699.95 $459.95 $399.95 $189.95
TCP Rating 85/100 88/100 87/100 In Progress
Made in the U.S.A ✔ ✔ X X


We recognize that there are many trail cameras that double as security cameras currently on the market. The cameras above are some of our more popular models for security. If you would like to talk to a security camera expert about your specific setup requirement, call us at 1-417-429-4915. You can also Contact Us via email.Â