It's extremely difficult to estimate trail camera battery life.  Variables include number of pictures taken, percentage of day to night photos, temperature and power consumption characteristics unique to each camera.

Although we can't give you the exact number of days a camera will last in your specific setting, we can provide precise measurements for power consumption. We measure resting current draw, daytime power consumption & nighttime power consumption. 

Even if you are not a "technical wizard," these numbers indicate how well each model compares relative to industry peers.  Additionally, we use these precise measurements to extrapolate the anticipated days of battery life in a scenario where each camera takes a set number (35) of day and nighttime photos.

We use a Keithley 2110 5/12 Digital Multimeter sampling 10 readings per second

It is and always has been our goal to deliver the highest quality and most accurate data to you, our customer.  We will continue to push the envelope to ensure that we are representing all the trail cameras as accurately as possible.

2014 Battery Test

Resting Current Draw
Daytime Power Consumption
Nighttime Power Consumption
Browning Dark Ops
0.10 ma
759 mAs 1029 mAs
Browning Strike Force
0.09 ma
749 mAs 1001 mAs
Browning Range Ops XR 0.09 ma
458 mAs
637 mAs
Browning Recon Force XR
0.08 ma
583 mAs
766 mAs
Browning Spec Ops XR
0.08 ma
588 mAs 797 mAs
Bushnell Trophy Cam 11-9636
0.22 ma
560 mAs
887 mAs
Bushnell Trophy Cam HD 2014
0.22 ma
375 mAs
435 mAs
Bushnell Natureview HD Max
0.21 ma
378 mAs
881 mAs
2014 Bushnell HD Wireless
0.20 ma (cell)
6421 mAs (cell)
6855 mAs (cell)
Covert MP-8
0.18 ma
387 mAs
533 mAs
Covert Outlook
1.30 ma
1219 mAs
1107 mAs
Covert Code Black 3G
0.93 ma (cell)
5790 mAs (cell)
4427 mAs (cell)
Eyecon Jag
0.22 ma
212 mAs
430 mAs
Eyecon Mantis
0.21 ma
264 mAs
426 mAs
HCO Spartan SR1 Red Glow
0.14 ma
8376 mAs
6975 mAs
HCO Spartan SR1 No Glow
0.14 ma
7234 mAs
6553 mAs
Moultrie M-880
0.10 ma
220 mAs 947 mAs
Moultrie M-880i
0.10 ma
229 mAs 1022 mAs
Moultrie M-880C
0.10 ma
210mAs 624 mAs
Moultrie M-990i
0.09 ma
241 mAs 891 mAs
Moultrie M-550
0.09 ma
186 mAs 390 mAs
Moultrie Panoramic 150i
0.28 ma
2390 mAs 3020 mAs
Moultrie Trace Perimeter
0.29 ma
3010 mAs 3760 mAs
Moultrie Trace Premise
0.11 ma
275 mAs 368 mAs
Moultrie A-5
0.22 ma
256 mAs 1273 mAs
Primos TC 46 Ultra HD
0.15 ma
184 mAs 655 mAs
Primos Supercharged Blackout
0.16 ma
157 mAs 763 mAs
Reconyx XR6
0.02 ma
479 mAs
913 mAs
Reconyx HC600
0.17 ma
125 mAs
389 mAs
Reconyx HC500
0.18 ma
128 mAs
255 mAs
Reconyx SC950C Verizon
0.21 ma
29,790 mAs
28,990 mAs
Reconyx SC950C AT&T
0.22 ma
13,175 mAs
14,139 mAs
Stealth Cam G30
0.17 ma
752 mAs 1177 mAs
Stealth Cam G42NG
0.26 ma
646 mAs 1475 mAs
Uway VH400HD
0.28 ma
379 mAs 1058 mAs

Resting Current Draw - The amount of power a camera is consuming at any given moment.  This is measured in milliamps.

Daytime Power Consumption - The TOTAL current draw for day pictures.  This is the total power consumption for the entire duration of the photo.
  This is measured in milliamps.

Nighttime Power Consumption -
The TOTAL current draw for night pictures.  This is the total power consumption for the entire duration of the photo.  This is measured in milliamps

ma = milliamps

mAs = milliamp seconds


2013 Battery Test

Resting Current Draw
Daytime Power Consumption
Nighttime Power Consumption
Buckeye X7D
1.09 ma
57 ma
354 ma
2013 Bushnell Trophy Cam HD
0.20 ma
425 ma
760 ma
2013 Bushnell Trophy Cam HD Max
0.19 ma
451 ma
1041 ma
Browning Special Ops
0.10 ma
1345 ma
1491 ma
Browning Recon Force
0.10 ma
1253 ma
1382 ma
Browning Range Ops
0.11 ma
978 ma
1120 ma
Covert Special Ops - Code Black
0.18 ma (cell off)
363 ma (cell off)
634 ma (cell off)
  0.18 ma (cell on)
6584 ma (cell on)
3248 ma (cell on)
Covert Black 60
0.20 ma
307 ma
682 ma
Covert Red 40
0.20 ma
1080 ma
1094 ma
Covert MP6
0.17 ma
315 ma
395 ma
Covert MP6 Black
0.18 ma
376 ma
525 ma
Covert MP-E5
0.21 ma
738 ma
669 ma
Cuddeback Ambush
1.22 ma
516 ma
529 ma
Cuddeback Attack
1.01 ma
216 ma
11391 ma
Cuddeback Attack IR
0.95 ma
166 ma
446 ma
Eyecon Black Widow
0.19 ma
383 ma
952 ma
Eyecon Storm
1.66 ma
571 ma
1312 ma
Hunten G22-T70IR
1.30 ma
1013 ma
3217 ma
ICOtech TC-50
0.10 ma
1272 ma
1925 ma
Leupold RCX-2
0.23 ma
196 ma
187 ma
Leupold RCX-1
0.32 ma
159 ma
162 ma
Minox DTC-500
0.54 ma
1747 ma
2121 ma
Moultrie M-990i
0.17 ma
1037 ma
1210 ma
Moultrie M-880
0.19 ma
1069 ma
1224 ma
Moultrie D-444
0.18 ma
619 ma
845 ma
Moultrie Panoramic 150
0.25 ma
1559 ma
2376 ma
Primos Truth Cam Ultra 35
0.14 ma
261 ma
355 ma
Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46
0.15 ma
247 ma
849 ma
Primos Truth Cam EL Blackout
0.14 ma
246 ma
741 ma
Reconyx HC500
0.19 ma
112 ma
441 ma
Reconyx HC550
0.15 ma
120 ma
654 ma
Reconyx HC600
0.20 ma
129 ma
531 ma
Reconyx SC950 Cellular Camera
0.22 ma (cell on)
13175 ma (cell on)
14139 ma (cell on)
Scoutguard SG560c
0.19 ma
810 ma
1408 ma
Scoutguard SG565
0.21 ma
436 ma
3490 ma
Scoutguard SG580m
0.16 ma (cell on)
9528 ma (cell on)
8059 ma (cell on)
Spypoint I-6
0.15 ma
1193 ma
2087 ma
Spypoint BF-8
0.11 ma
1466 ma
2671 ma
Spypoint BF-10 HD
0.13 ma
1435 ma
3131 ma
Spypoint Live
1.03 ma
2505 ma
4596 ma
Spypoint Live 3G
0.19 ma
5786 ma
7411 ma
Spypoint Tiny W3
1.06 ma
861 ma
1638 ma
Spypoint Tiny W3
1.06 ma (wireless on) 2084 ma (wireless on) 2585 (wireless on)
Spypoint Tiny Wireless²
0.33 ma
1456 ma
1879 ma
Spypoint HD-12
0.12 ma
1746 ma
3634 ma
Spypoint HD-12 Remote Triggering Device
0.19 ma
17 ma
17 ma
Stealth Cam Unit X
3.11 ma
1152 ma
1270 ma
Stealth Cam Unit X No Glow
2.76 ma
1049 ma
1278 ma
Stealth Cam Sniper HD Pro
2.64 ma
1165 ma
1298 ma
Stealth Cam Skout No Glow
2.67 ma
1270 ma
1392 ma
Stealth Cam Skout 7
2.82 ma
1128 ma
1188 ma
Stealth Cam Unit Ops ZX7
3.40 ma
1186 ma
1531 ma
Uway MB500
0.45 ma (cell off)
426 ma (cell off) 1012 ma (cell off)
  0.47 ma (cell on)
7278 ma (cell on)
7039 ma (cell on)
Uway Panda
0.32 ma (cell on)
13095 ma (cell on)
8713 ma (cell on)
Uway U150
0.68 ma
1298 ma
1570 ma
Uway UM562
0.18 ma (cell on)
10770 ma (cell on)
11781 ma (cell on)
Uway VH200B
0.53 ma
769 ma
1173 ma
Wildgame Lights Out
0.46 ma
491 ma
1208 ma
Wildgame Micro 6 Red
1.32 ma
283 ma
925 ma
Wildview TK30
2.54 ma
1089 ma
1145 ma
Wildview TK40 No Glow
3.30 ma
1101 ma
1336 ma
Wildview X8IR
2.78 ma
1411 ma
1379 ma
Wildview X8IR No Glow 2.94 ma
1149 ma
1323 ma